100 list important inventions and inventor name, Year and country

100 list important inventions and inventor name, Year and country

Printing Press - Johannes Gutenberg - 1450 - Germany

Steam Engine - James Watt - 1765 - Scotland

Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell - 1876 - Scotland/USA

Lightbulb - Thomas Edison - 1879 - USA

Automobile - Karl Benz - 1885 - Germany

Radio - Guglielmo Marconi - 1895 - Italy

Television - John Logie Baird - 1925 - Scotland

Computer - John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry - 1939 - USA

Internet - Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn - 1974 - USA

World Wide Web - Tim Berners-Lee - 1989 - England

Penicillin - Alexander Fleming - 1928 - Scotland

Insulin - Frederick Banting and Charles Best - 1921 - Canada

X-Ray - Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - 1895 - Germany

Polio Vaccine - Jonas Salk - 1955 - USA

Smallpox Vaccine - Edward Jenner - 1796 - England

Dynamo - Michael Faraday - 1831 - England

Electric Generator - Michael Faraday - 1831 - England

Electric Motor - Thomas Davenport - 1834 - USA

Electric Train - William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) - 1872 - Scotland

AC Power Supply System - Nikola Tesla - 1887 - Croatia/USA

Submarine - David Bushnell - 1775 - USA

Airplane - Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright - 1903 - USA

Helicopter - Igor Sikorsky - 1939 - Russia/USA

Rockets - Robert Goddard - 1926 - USA

Moon Landing - NASA - 1969 - USA

Refrigerator - Oliver Evans - 1805 - USA

Microwave Oven - Percy Spencer - 1945 - USA

Vacuum Cleaner - Hubert Booth - 1901 - England

Dishwasher - Josephine Cochran - 1886 - USA

Washing Machine - James King - 1851 - USA

Sewing Machine - Elias Howe - 1846 - USA

Typewriter - Christopher Latham Sholes - 1867 - USA

Calculator - Blaise Pascal - 1642 - France

Transistor - William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain - 1947 - USA

Microprocessor - Intel - 1971 - USA

Nuclear Power Plant - Enrico Fermi - 1942 - Italy/USA

Solar Cell - Bell Labs - 1954 - USA

Wind Turbine - Palmer C. Putnam - 1941 - USA

Hydroelectric Power Plant - James B. Francis - 1848 - USA

Geothermal Power Plant - Prince Piero Ginori Conti - 1904 - Italy

Synthetic Dye - William Henry Perkin - 1856 - England

Super glue (Cyanoacrylate) - Harry Coover - 1942 - USA

Plastic - Alexander Parkes - 1856 - England

Teflon - Roy J. Plunkett - 1938 - USA

Asbestos - Ascanio Sobrero - 1845 - Italy

Fire Extinguisher - George Manby - 1813 - England

Smoke Detector - Samuel O'Brien - 1965 - USA

Parachute - Louis-Sébastien Lenormand - 1783 - France

Bicycle - Karl von Drais - 1817 - Germany

Motorcycle - Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach - 1885 - Germany

Chainsaw - Jonathan Lee - 1929 - USA

Lawnmower - Edwin Budding - 1830 - England

Tractor - John Froehlich - 1892 - USA

Pistol - Samuel Colt - 1836 - USA

Rifle - Richard Gatling - 1862 - USA

Machine Gun - Hiram Maxim - 1884 - USA

Tank - Ernest Swinton - 1916 - England

Nuclear Bomb - Manhattan Project - 1945 - USA

Calculator - Blaise Pascal - 1642 - France

Compass - Chinese Inventors - 4th Century BC - China

Paper - Ts'ai Lun - 105 AD - China

Gunpowder - Chinese Inventors - 9th Century AD - China

Printing - Bi Sheng - 1040 AD - China

Printing Press - Johannes Gutenberg - 1450 - Germany

Optics - Alhazen - 11th Century AD - Iraq

Astrolabe - Hipparchus - 2nd Century BC - Greece

Barometer - Evangelista Torricelli - 1644 - Italy

Thermometer - Galileo Galilei - 1592 - Italy

Microscope - Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - 1674 - Netherlands

Electrocardiogram (ECG) - Willem Einthoven - 1903 - Netherlands

X-Ray - Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - 1895 - Germany

CT Scan - Godfrey Hounsfield - 1971 - England

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) - Raymond Damadian - 1971 - USA

Tourniquet - Ambroise Paré - 16th Century - France

Stethoscope - René Laennec - 1816 - France

Anesthesia - William T.G. Morton - 1846 - USA

Penicillin - Alexander Fleming - 1928 - Scotland

Insulin - Frederick Banting and Charles Best - 1921 - Canada

DNA Sequencer - Frederick Sanger - 1977 - England

Human Genome Project - International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium - 2003 - USA

CRISPR - Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier - 2012 - USA

Artificial Heart - Robert Jarvik - 1982 - USA

Pacemaker - Wilson Greatbatch - 1956 - USA

Microfinance - Muhammad Yunus - 1983 - Bangladesh

ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) - John Shepherd-Barron - 1967 - Scotland

Credit Card - Ralph Schneider and Frank McNamara - 1950 - USA

Online Banking - Wells Fargo Bank - 1995 - USA

Bitcoin - Satoshi Nakamoto - 2008 - Unknown

Game Console - Magnavox Odyssey - 1972 - USA

Arcade Game - Computer Space - 1971 - USA

Personal Computer - IBM PC - 1981 - USA

Laptop - Adam Osborne - 1981 - USA

Smartphone - IBM Simon - 1993 - USA

Lithium-Ion Battery - John Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino - 1980s - USA/Japan

Fuel Cell - Sir William Grove - 1839 - Wales

Hybrid Car - Ferdinand Porsche - 1899 - Austria

Electric Car - Thomas Parker - 1884 - England

Self-Driving Car - George Beauchamp and J.B. Donavan - 1925 - USA

Solar Panel - Russell Ohl - 1940 - USA

